
Can I bring a busload of people?

No - sorry! We do not have provision for parking buses on our property or anywhere nearby. The largest bus that is accepted into Cherry Haven is a 20 seater which is able to access our parking area

 Do you accept credit cards?

Yes, EFTPOS is available 

Can we have a picnic at Cherry Haven?

Yes, although not in the carpark please. It is best to carry your picnic into the orchard and find your own quiet place, or under the big cypress pine tree. Places like Silvan Resevior (5 minute drive away) have a fantastic park and are far better places to picnic all day. 

Do you have work available at Cherry Haven?

We are a family run orchard that ONLY does U-pick, therefore we don't employ pickers or workers.

Where can I buy cherry trees?

We buy our trees from wholesale nurseries more than 50 at a time which won’t work for you... Please ask your retail nursery to order in for you self fertile bare root stock cherry trees available mid winter. A good website for further information is www.flemings.com.au Be aware though, that cherry trees grow best with other cherry trees, and many home gardeners tell us of their failures to grow a decent cherry!

Why are some cherries cracked?

Cherries crack because of a prolonged period of wet weather where the cherry absorbs too much water. Although they still taste great, we suggest you leave the cracked ones & only pick the best

Does Cherry Haven sell cherries to markets?

No. Cherry Haven ONLY does U-pick.

Think about it - the best cherries get a good price at the market, which means that U-pickers would then get the 'second quality' cherries that would be left. At Cherry Haven, unlike most U-pick orchards, we specialise in providing our BEST quality cherries we can for U-pick by ONLY selling our cherries to our U-pick customers 

What do I need to bring?

Sun block if needed & comfortable shoes suitable for the orchard. We supply buckets and bags to collect your cherries, ladders to climb for cherries above reaching height, and water or soft drinks are available for sale.

Can I get a discount?

Cherry Haven does the same price and service for everyone, so that everyone is treated equally. If you buy more than 5kg per person, we will give you a free entry card for next time. We love groups coming, and appreciate people who come back every weekend during the season, yet we treat everyone the same so that no one is unfairly treated, so please don't ask for a discount so that we don't offend you - thanks!

Can I taste & eat cherries as I pick?

Yes! We welcome you to taste the different varieties, find the ones YOU like the best, and pick those to purchase. Please only pick the amount that you are prepared to buy.

Can I bring a dog into the orchard?

Yes, although please keep your dog on a lead at all times, and ensure your dog is not a problem to others in the orchard. Please also beware of our own dog, a german shepherd named Kaylah - she is very friendly yet may bark at other dogs. 

Are chemical sprays used?

Yes, at Cherry Haven we use chemical sprays only when we must as we use as much organic fertilizers & natural methods of control as possible, which is quite different to common commercially bought cherries hence the much enhanced taste of our more 'naturally grown' cherries. We recommend washing your cherries before eating.


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